Frequently asked questions from parents about coronavirus and childcare
To the childcare
Who is the compensation intended for?
For all parents who usually use childcare and continue to pay their bill now. This also applies to parents in crucial professions. There are no costs associated with the use of emergency childcare.
The government compensates the parents’ personal contribution up to the maximum hourly rate. The same (legally determined) maximum hourly rate is used for the childcare allowance. For hourly rates that exceed the maximum hourly rate, sector representatives BK and BMK have expressed the intention that childcare organizations compensate this part to parents.How does the government compensate the parents’ own contribution for childcare?
The government transfers the compensation to the 3,500 childcare organizations. They can then transfer the overpaid part directly to the parents, i.e. the difference between the invoice amount and the childcare allowance received over the period from 16 March to 28 April 2020.
Will the compensation scheme be extended for the personal contribution that parents pay now that childcare and childminder care remain closed for longer?
The compensation for childcare contribution will be extended until 28 April, because the schools and childcare will also remain closed until then. All parents who are temporarily unable to bring their child (ren) to childcare or out-of-school care due to the Corona crisis, but who have paid the bill, are compensated by the government up to the maximum hourly rate. This also applies to parents who are now working and doing crucial work. There are no costs associated with the use of emergency care for children of people in crucial professions.
Can my child go to daycare?
Childcare and childminder childcare are closed until April 28, 2020. This also applies to childminder childcare at the childminder’s home. Children whose parents work in crucial professional groups can, in principle, go to their own childcare or childminder, unless the child has one of the following complaints: colds, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, mild cough, or increase to 38 degrees or a housemate with colds and fever (above 38 degrees Celsius) and / or shortness of breath.
Can my Childcare Location request a statement from my employer to determine if I have a critical occupation?
No burden of proof is required from the parent, such as an employer statement. We assume that this is based on trust and self-selection. View the list of critical or vital professions.
Do I still have to go to work if my children can no longer go to daycare?
Childcare is only available for children with parents in crucial occupational groups . Do you not work in a crucial profession? Then the government urgently recommends that you work from home until April 28, 2020 (if possible).
As a self-employed person, can I take my child to childcare?
We understand the concerns of self-employed people. The shelter is now only available for people with a crucial profession. This means that self-employed professionals with a crucial profession can take their children to the emergency shelter, unless the child has one of the following complaints: colds, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, increase or fever. The other self-employed workers must take care of their children themselves. Unfortunately, the ’emergency shelter’ is therefore not available to everyone.In this exceptional situation, the government puts the crucial functions in our society first, in order to keep society running.
Are there rules for informal childcare?
The government has closed formal childcare and childminder care until April 28, 2020, except for children whose parents work in critical professions. In that case, the government advises you to use this emergency shelter, unless the children have complaints such as fever, cough or cold.
There are no government rules for informal care (the word informal says it all). However, the government strongly recommends that the RIVM guidelines be followed to prevent the virus from spreading. In informal care it is important to avoid vulnerable groups, such as the elderly (for example grandfather and grandmother).
My child is welcome at school from March 16, but is there also BSO?
Your child is still welcome at school from March 16 if you work in a crucial profession. If your child usually uses BSO, in principle it can go to the BSO, including children who normally do not go to the BSO.Contact the school and the municipality to find out where to go for emergency care.
Childcare costs and contract
My child is obliged to stay at home from March 16, do I still have to pay for childcare?
- Pay the entire invoice for childcare as you always do. Most childcare organizations invoice in advance.This means that you have probably already paid your invoice for March. We will also ask you to continue to pay the invoice in the coming period.
- Do not change anything at the Tax and Customs Administration for your childcare allowance. In this way you will be entitled to childcare allowance and it will continue to be paid.
- In principle, you do not have to report any changes or discontinue your childcare, unless, for example, your income changes. Then pass this on to the tax authorities.
- This also applies to parents who use childminder childcare: pay the entire invoice for childcare as you always do. You do not have to adjust anything at the Tax Authorities to retain the right to childcare allowance. This will simply continue to be paid. Here, too, you will pass on changes in, for example, your income to the tax authorities.
- If you continue to pay childcare or childminder care, you will keep your place at the daycare when it will open again for everyone.
- Part of the costs for childcare consists of a personal contribution. You also pay this personal contribution to the childcare organization.
- The government compensates this personal contribution up to the maximum hourly rate. See: ‘How will the government compensate the parents’ own contribution for childcare?’
- This means that childcare or childminder care does not cost you anything until April 28. The childcare allowance and compensation of the personal contribution by the National Government together cover the costs up to the maximum hourly rate.
I use (flexible) childminder childcare, do I have to continue to pay for childcare?
The same applies at present to childminder childcare as for childcare (day care and out-of-school care): pay the entire invoice for childcare as you always do. You do not have to adjust anything at the tax authorities to keep childcare allowance. This will be paid on. For example, if your income changes, you must report this to the tax authorities.
If you take a different number of hours per month from your childminder, for example because you work irregular hours, then assume the number of hours that you would normally have taken this month. So you pretend that the childminder care would continue normally.
Do I have to continue to pay my own contribution to childcare?
- Pay the entire invoice for childcare as you always do.
- Then you retain the right to childcare allowance and the government simply continues to pay it.
- Part of the costs you incur for the childcare organization consists of a personal contribution. You also pay this personal contribution to the childcare organization.
- The government compensates this personal contribution up to the maximum hourly rate.
- This means that childcare or childminder care does not cost you anything until April 28. The childcare allowance and compensation of the personal contribution by the National Government together cover the costs up to the maximum hourly rate.
What should parents do if their income falls sharply because of the corona crisis or if, for example, they are self-employed and currently have no income?
If the income changes, we ask parents to report this to the tax authorities, as they normally would. The childcare allowance is higher with a lower income. Parents will then receive the childcare allowance that matches their current income. Your change will take effect on the first day of the following month.Adjustments can be made via the portal of the Tax Authorities.
In the case of unemployment, the right to childcare allowance will continue to exist for up to three months after losing work. Parents who lose their job do not therefore have to immediately take their child (ren) from the childcare center and specify the place at the childcare center.
Can I cancel the contract with my daycare?
Yes, that’s possible. However, the cabinet is calling on parents to continue to pay their invoices. If you pay the invoice, you retain the right to childcare allowance. The government will then continue to pay this and you will receive compensation for your own contribution (up to the maximum hourly rate). You also keep your place at the childcare. If you stop paying or cancel your contract, you will lose your place in childcare, while you will probably need it again after the closing period.
If parents continue to pay and the government continues to pay childcare allowance, childcare organizations can continue to offer sufficient offers and parents can continue to work in crucial professions.If you still decide to terminate your contract:
- Your contract with the childcare organization states how and when you can terminate your agreement.
- If you cancel your contract, your right to childcare allowance expires.
- Report this change to the Tax and Customs Administration via the Supplements portal.
Childcare allowance
Because of the coronavirus I am at home and I work fewer hours. Does this affect the amount of my childcare allowance? After all, this depends on my hours worked.
No. For the coming period, your hours worked will remain unchanged and the number of hours for which you are entitled to childcare allowance will remain. If you lose your job, you will continue to be entitled to childcare allowance for up to three months after losing your job. This so that the use of childcare does not have to be stopped immediately and the place at the childcare does not have to be lost immediately.
Are parents who use the new Temporary emergency measure bridging for work retention (NOW) still entitled to KOT?
Parents who use the NOW retain the right to childcare allowance. They are paid 100% of their wages. In this sense, nothing changes for these parents.
Questions about childcare
Where can I go for questions?
Parents can visit . This website contains the most up-to-date information.
You can also ask questions at the Tax Information Line (0800-0543). Take into account a longer waiting time than usual.
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